Bold & Vulnerable Podcast

Bold & Vulnerable with Jessica & Svetlana: "Healing Pains from Childhood, Emotional Awareness, & the Unshakable Man" - Chris Wilson - Episode 035

Bold & Vulnerable Podcast

Chris has extensive experience as an elite athlete, a sales executive and a life/business coach. After high school, Chris raced international triathlons and attended Norwich University Military Academy. After just one year, he left college to chase his dream of racing bicycles in Europe. At the age of 22 he broke both arms in a cycling accident. This launched him out of cycling and into the workforce without a college degree. He started his sales career by landing an exclusive job at Yahoo’s largest advertising partner. He excelled in sales and over the next 7 years went on to work with companies like HubSpot, Cloud Provider, Nanigans and Localytics. Realizing he wanted something different, Chris quit sales and, along with Stephen Warley, started the modern business podcast Unstuckable. He became the learner in residence at the Uncollege Guided Gap Year Program, where he created Designing Your Year. This journey led him to Mike, and he found his calling as a men’s coach. Chris lives in San Francisco with his fiance, Anna, and loves helping men live their life from the inside out like he has.

The Unshakable Man is an organization focused on men’s total health, wellness and fulfillment. Our mission is to serve men by providing resources and services to connect men to themselves, their important relationships, their work and purpose in life.

“We believe a man must be introduced to various perspectives, experiences, and ideas in order to discover new and different ways of being a man. This is how a man challenges his sense of self and becomes unshakable.”

Common growth zones we focus on:

- Breathwork & mediation

- Emotional awareness

- Habit creation

- Goal completion

- Connection / managing important relationships

- Purpose, fulfillment & life assessment

Website UnshakableMan

The Course of Love
Mating in Captivity
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
Language of Emotions