Bold & Vulnerable Podcast

Bold & Vulnerable with Jessica & Svetlana: "Bill has the BEST Cold Plunging Tank around" - Bill Bachand - Episode 041

Bill Bachand is the founder and owner of Renu Therapy where he encourages you to get into the cold every day with either a Cold Tub, jump in a naturally cold body of water, or even a Cold Shower. Yes it is tough to first step into the cold but the Reward is waiting for you when you get out…..a mental tune up and a sense of Happiness caused by a rush of Norepinephrine.The rest of the benefits are soon to follow. When cold water immersion and a daily cold tub become part of your routine, you will become Believers and want to tell the World. The enthusiasm comes from how you feel and that the benefits are tangible. The list of thought leaders who go into an ice tub daily is substantial: Tony Robbins, Adam Corolla, Tim Ferris, Joe Rogan, Kevin Hart, and Wim Hof are just a few. They are seeing tangible results! Popping supplements sure would be a lot easier, but I am here to break it to you, there is no supplement or combination thereof that will give to you such a wide array of Benefits that you can actually feel in a tangible way, like a cold water tank. RENU is rated to be the Best Looking and the Best Performing Cold Plunge Tank on the market!

About Renu Therapy: Cold Plunging is a great way to add to your offerings in the Health & Wellness space. Any Business, Training facility, Trainer, counselor, or Health Coach can increase profits and grow their customer base by offering CWI. The demand for this is increasing every day and with the positive impact on Boosting Immunity right now, the demand is only growing! The RENU Therapy Cryo Tank is always be Cold and Clean, sets up in 5 minutes, and can handle a Commercial Application. We are here to help and would love to add you to the Cold Water Community

Renu Therapy Website

Book List:
Stillness is the key - Ryan Holiday
Daily Stoic - Ryan Holiday
The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday
The Glutathione Revolution - Nayan Patel