Bold & Vulnerable Podcast

Bold & Vulnerable with Jessica & Svetlana: "Mind Leadership & Finding Peace amidst the Chaos" - Dwayne Smith & Jennifer Bitner - EPISODE 046

Mental Performance Coach & co-host of The Mind Leadership

I have lived my life on both sides of the hustle. One side that led to anxiety, overwhelm and burnout; and the other- more of a humble hustle, that was fueled by passion, joy, and purpose. I spent 11 years of my corporate career working in the fitness industry for the largest chain of fitness clubs in Canada. I started my career in sales and quickly moved up the ladder to General Manager by the age of 23. I was a top performer, driven by success, accolades, and recognition. I thrived with goals and competition and was always chasing the next award.

Eventually, my overachieving and unhealthy drive led me to a dis-eased state of mental health. When I was 22 I was riddled with severe anxiety and panic attacks. I lived with two identities— this performer, goal crusher, and high energy leader… and, this broken and burnt out skeleton of who I once was. I finally decided something needed to change. I spent a decade of healing and recovering from unbalanced mental health.

I have now written and published a book called “Just A Girl With Anxiety”, detailing my journey and recovery process; I teach Mind Fitness techniques & am hired to speak to companies across the country on how success can be healthy, and teach natural approaches to mind wellness. I believe you can achieve your goals, dreams, and aspirations, without being left feeling stressed, exhausted, and defeated.

I am here to teach you how to find peace amidst the chaos and bring joy + healthy success back into your days!

Leadership Development Coach, co-host of The Mind Leadership & member of the John Maxwell Leadership Team

I’m a certified public speaker and a mastermind group facilitator. I have been in a leadership role for over 17 years. ⁣
I graduated from college with a business marketing degree and moved into one of the largest companies in Canada. In my career, I have embraced my growth by developing myself in the art of leadership. ⁣ By managing large teams, I’ve learned in my career that leadership is action, and living by leader principles daily requires a great deal of intention. ⁣

My journey has shaped my decision to be a part of The Mind Leadership because I have come to understand that between the tools we are provided and our intentions lies a thing called execution. Our execution is at its best when we are aware of our strengths and how to leverage them to our advantage. ⁣Our minds dictate how we operate and it’s our minds that we need to develop to be welcoming of new ideas, knowing who we are and how we become our best selves. ⁣

The Mind Leadership Podcast