Bold & Vulnerable Podcast
Our mission is to release authentic, bold, and vulnerable stories from entrepreneurs and peak performers across a variety of industries. The "Bold and Vulnerable Podcast" will deliver vulnerable moments with raw and authentic conversations, diversity of cultural stories and backgrounds, growth and contribution, intentional boldness, risk-taking, and much much more....
Bold & Vulnerable Podcast
Bold & Vulnerable with Jessica & Svetlana: "SUPER BLOOD MOON & ECLIPSE! Intentions, Tarot, Releasing, Shadow Work" - Jessica & Svetlana - Episode 049
Hey Guys! We switched everything up for this May 2021 Super Blood Moon Eclipse to Release, Start Fresh, Set Intentions, Pull Tarot Cards, and Work through the Shadows with a 100% LIVE episode that was also part of Clubhouse! Since this was our first live episode on clubhouse and on our podcast, it was a work in progress with the audio (some echoes can be heard) but done is better than perfect and we wanted to share the goodness with you all! Let's get Vulnerable! Enjoy!